
Prometheus Unbound has moved!
Prometheus Unbound has moved!

As part of a move toward more consistent branding, I have moved Prometheus Unbound to a new domain and changed the Feedburner url for our main posts rss feed.

Prometheus Unbound is now located at

The old url,, will continue to redirect to the new one for the foreseeable future. But the site has permanently moved from the old url, so please update any links you have on your site or in your bookmarks.

If you don't already have us on your “blogroll,” we'd appreciate it if you would add the new url to it. Give us some link love, baby, yeah.

The old Feedburner url for our main posts rss feed was The new one is The old url will remain active at least until January 2013 in order to give our community plenty of time to switch, but it will be shut down eventually so please do subscribe to the new url now rather than later.

Our apologies for the inconvenience, but we do think these changes will be better for Prometheus Unbound and our community in the long run.

If, while browsing through the site, you notice anything that looks broken or any strange characters like this “é,” we would greatly appreciate you letting us know so that we can fix the problem.

To make up for the inconvenience, some new features have been added to our community forums: unanswered posts list, polls, post previews, topic descriptions, and more.

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I'm pleased to announce the launch of phpbb-powered Simple:Press-powered community discussion forums for Prometheus Unbound.

You can reach the forums by following the link or clicking on the new tab in the site's navmenu. The url is

We hope to build a community of libertarian and libertarian-leaning readers, viewers, and writers here on Prometheus Unbound.

To that end, we've set up not only some forums in which you can discuss Prometheus Unbound posts, give us feedback, and ask questions, but also forums on various fiction genres and awards (science fiction, fantasy, the Prometheus Awards, and more) in various mediums (print, tv, film, the web).

If you're a writer, we have forums for discussing the craft and business of writing, for workshopping your current short story or novel project, and for spotlighting yourself and showcasing your work. We hope to encourage and facilitate more liberty-loving individuals to produce higher and higher quality fiction.

We even have some forums on non-fiction subjects that impact and influence our fiction: philosophy, science & technology, history, politics, economics.

Best of all: you'll be able to use the same user account for both the main site and the forums.

So come — join the conversation, help build our community, and promote good libertarian fiction!


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