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Submitting Review Materials to Prometheus Unbound
We at Prometheus Unbound will review just about anything that has to do with science fiction or fantasy fiction, and some stuff that doesn't. We are particularly interested in anything dealing with libertarian themes, such as liberty, justice, private property, individualism, free markets and capitalism, the entrepreneurial and pioneer spirit, innovation, resistance to tyranny, rebellion, and the like. But we do not restrict ourselves to overtly libertarian works; rather, we review fiction from a libertarian perspective.
If you have something you'd like us to consider for review, get in touch with the editor, Geoffrey Allan Plauché, via the Contact form for a mailing address.
Please note that, due to time constraints and the sheer quantity of published fiction on the market, we are not keen on reviewing self-published and vanity-press works. We also cannot guarantee that we will review any particular item, though we will do our best; all submissions are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Items with apparent libertarian themes will tend to get priority, as will those by prominent or trending authors. At the very least, we will list all items received on the Received Page.
Submitting Reviews, Articles, or other Commentary to Prometheus Unbound
Prometheus Unbound is open to reviews, news, articles, or other commentary on fiction and literature from a libertarian perspective. We are interested in not merely libertarian works of fiction, but in a libertarian perspective on works of fiction whether or not the works themselves are libertarian or by libertarians.
We are interested primarily in
- science fiction and fantasy-related reviews, news, articles, and commentary, but will accept submissions on other genres as well;
- reviews of prose fiction (short and long), but will also accept submissions having to do with movies, tv shows, comics, poetry, music, and other media;
- the occasional fact article on science, technology, history, or the like that is relevant to science fiction and fantasy.
Subscribe to our newsletter and read our posts to get a better feel what we are looking for.
One-time contributions are fine though we hope to have a number of part-time contributors submitting the occasional piece. We are also looking for a few solid Austro-Libertarian editors and regular writers. If you would like to contribute, please send a submission query to the editor via the Contact form.
All contributors will be listed on the About page and will have an author page in the archives. You will need to register a user account at Prometheus Unbound and we will need a short bio as well as a link to your personal website, blog, or other online presence if you have one (such as Facebook or Twitter).
Review Guidelines
- Try to avoid spoilers, especially major ones. If you must include spoilers, please
- bury them at least a few paragraphs down so that they appear below the fold/after the “keep reading” link on the main page;
- clearly warn readers that, and where, your review contains spoilers;
- and, if at all possible, place spoilers in a separate section of your review after the spoiler-free portion.
- Sometimes scathing, highly critical reviews are called for, but we at Prometheus Unbound prefer more balanced reviews that describe good, bad, and noteworthy aspects of the review item. This helps our readers decide whether they will want to read or watch the item themselves.
- Writing stories, making movies or tv series, is a difficult and creative enterprise. Try to be respectful of those involved in the creation of the item you are reviewing.
- If you are reviewing a movie or tv (mini-)series that is adapted from a novel or has an accompanying novelization (novel-version), we would prefer your review include both and compare the two.
We plan on soliciting interviews eventually, but at present we will consider interview requests by published authors, professional editors, agents, and publishers. If you are interested in being interviewed by Prometheus Unbound, or if you want to submit an interview that you have conducted with such an individual, please feel free to contact the editor.
Submitting Original Fiction to Prometheus Unbound
We do not accept original fiction for publication at this time, though at some undetermined point in the future we plan to do so.
Copyright/Licensing Conditions
All accepted submissions will be published under nothing stricter than the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. This is non-negotiable.
We cannot afford to pay contributors for submissions at this time, though we would like to do so. All we can offer at present is publication, attribution, and a link back to your personal website, blog, or other online presence.
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