We have ambitious plans for Prometheus Unbound.
We want to make it the go-to source to which both libertarians and nonlibertarians turn for a truly radical libertarian take on speculative fiction and the industries that produce it. We want it to become the community where those who value liberty come to hang out and discuss the fiction they love. We want it to become the hub where libertarian authors can hone their craft, develop their business acumen, and showcase their work. We want to bring you more timely and high-quality news, reviews, interviews, and more.
But we need your help. We can't accomplish our goals without you. We could use financial support, sure, and if you are interested and able to provide some, however little, we have detailed a number of ways you can do so. But what we really need is for you to help us grow our community and spread the word. Just as with new authors, the greatest obstacle to our success is obscurity.
Here are the ways you can help support Prometheus Unbound. Follow the links to find out more.