This month we've been reading and discussing Matthew Alexander's libertarian science fiction novel Wĭthûr Wē in our book club. Over the weekend, on Sunday, we held our first Lightmonthly Read Author Chat with Matthew. The turnout wasn't quite what we'd hoped for, but it was our first event — a successful proof of concept that we will build on. Matthew read a couple of early chapters from the new novel he's working on, The Preferred Observer, and then we had a nice, long conversation with Mike DiBaggio and Michel Santos. Thanks, guys, for joining us.
If you missed the Google+ Hangout for whatever reason, you can watch the YouTube recording below:
The Preferred Observer will be another science fiction novel for Matthew. The libertarian elements will not be quite so pervasive, but you will nevertheless have no trouble telling that it was written by a hardcore Austro-Libertarian. The theme of this new work will be minority viewpoints and preconceptions.
The Q&A portion of the chat starts at 30:15. We had quite a good time and our conversation ranged from Matthew's influences to Wĭthûr Wē and The Preferred Observer and the difficulty of writing good libertarian fiction that isn't too preachy to more tangential subjects. We talked about science fiction subgenres and Star Wars. Took jabs at Lucas. The discussion even turned to the Industrial Revolution, Somalia, and comparative anarchism.
If you watch the whole video, you'll even catch a brief teaser for Matthew's planned third novel.
We've got some improvements planned for our next author chat — like, you know, a proper introduction, better lighting and camera placement, locking my chair in place, getting me to talk slower, and whatnot. ;o)
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