Book Publishing's Real Nemesis
Book Publishing's Real Nemesis

Book Publishing's Real Nemesis

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  • James April 18, 2012 @ 11:33 am | Link

    Here’s my take on the DoJ antitrust story:
    It’s not a particularly Libertarian view, and I’m more of a Socrates kind of guy.

  • Stephan Kinsella April 18, 2012 @ 12:45 pm | Link

    The post by Mike Cane about the “worst article” does a good job tearing it apart–yes, it is pretty bad. However Cane seems to unfortunately accept the legitimacy of antitrust law: he quotes the criticized article as saying: “Let’s stipulate that there may have been some manner of price-fixing here…” and writes in response:

    “That’s a smarmy way of saying, “Stupid Government! Let’s just pretend those incompetents actually had a case…” Right, like the DoJ complaint didn’t have dates and times and reference phone records. He is really spitting on the amount of fine work that went into that complaint.”

    Fine work? Wow. The DOJ is criminal.

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