I've made a number of changes and improvements to Prometheus Unbound recently.
I think the three most important are our new mailing list, Support page, and Dwolla account.
Email Newsletter
Previously, you could subscribe to our posts via email using a widget in our sidebar powered by Feedburner. That you could do this was not obvious, however.
We now have a new and improved mailing list powered by MailChimp. And there's a new email subscription form at the top of the sidebar. It should be hard to miss.
I've kept the subscription form simple. All you have to do is enter your email address and click “subscribe.” Later, you can choose to add more information to your account profile, such as your name. You can also choose to receive the email newsletter in html (default), plain text, or mobile format.
Once subscribed, you will receive an email in your inbox at the end of any day on which we have published new posts. We may also use the mailing list to send out the occasional special announcement. We promise not to spam your inbox.
If you're subscribed to our posts via Feedburner or WordPress.com (Jetpack), please switch over to the new mailing list.
Support Page and Dwolla
Over the past few weeks and months I've added more ways that you can support Prometheus Unbound. I've also added a Support page that lays out clearly all of the ways you can support our work, both financially and non-financially, as well as what we plan to do with any money we receive. Big plans. But we need your help to accomplish them. Head on over there and check it out.
The most recent addition is support for donations via Dwolla. For those of you who don't like PayPal, for whatever reason, and prefer to donate with cash rather than credit, Dwolla is a promising alternative with the potential to revolutionize online and mobile banking and payments. You just need a Dwolla account linked to your bank account to securely transfer money to ours. For more information, see the Support page.
Please consider donating if you value our work and want to help us keep bringing you new and improved content. Donate any amount you like; however much you think our work is worth to you. We appreciate any support you can give us.
Or support us in one of the many other ways listed on the Support page.
Don't forget that you can also subscribe to Prometheus Unbound on your Kindle and in Google Currents.
There are always our rss feeds as well. The link to our main feed has been moved to a hyperlinked rss icon to the far right of the navigation menu. And if you visit the Archives page, you'll have ready access to author and category specific rss feeds.
Speaking of categories, I've reorganized most of our categories into three groups:
- Features: kind of the main table of contents for Prometheus Unbound — our various departments, such as news, reviews, and interviews;
- Genre: the broad genre categories we cover, such as science fiction, fantasy fiction, horror, and nonfiction;
- Medium: categories for the different forms in which we consume our fiction, such as prose (novels, short fiction), film, and television.
The Tag page we treat like a book index and keyword list. You'll find subgenres and all manner of more specific references there.
I rearranged some items on the navmenu and sidebar and did a major overhaul of the css that styles the navmenu. Hopefully things look nicer and cleaner now. At least you can actually see submenus!
Finally, a word about browsers: the site looks fine to me in Chrome and Firefox, but it may not display properly in Internet Explorer (damn you, Microsoft!). I'll try to work on that. I don't know how it looks in other browsers. Feel free to let me know if something doesn't look right to you.