Arctic Rising by Tobias S. Buckell

In the interest of full disclosure, we will list all received review materials on our Books Received pages. I still have books to put up from 2010, though I think the 2011 list is complete.

In addition to keeping yearly lists, I will be making periodic announcements like this one — probably once per month.

To submit something to Prometheus Unbound for review, please refer to our Submissions page.

Here's our first review copy of the year, received on January 4th:

Trust Your Enemies by Mark Tier

Trust Your Enemies
Mark Tier
Inverse Books

And here's our second, just received a few days ago. I'm announcing it now instead of at the end of the month because the release date for the book is February 28th and I plan to review it before then.

Arctic Rising by Tobias S. Buckell

Arctic Rising
Tobias S. Buckell

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